A History of Excellence in Specialty Products

For years, we’ve helped real estate professionals, builders and individual homebuyers throughout the country reach their financing goals with competitive rates and exceptional service.

At Goldwater Bank, N.A. we have the expertise to help you find the right program to build your dream home. Whether it’s your first, second or third home, new construction or remodel, we’ll make financing your dream a reality.

Selecting a Builder/Contractor

As the homeowner, you will make a lot of decisions about your new home, but none are more important than selecting the right builder. Choosing the right builder will help ensure the successful completion of the project and you’ll be able to enjoy the experience of building your dream home.

The Application Process

You’ve probably already spent a lot of time thinking about your dream home. You may have already met with a builder and selected your plans. Your project is starting to come together. Now you are ready to apply for the mortgage that will make all this possible. At Goldwater Bank, N.A., we will work hard to make the application process easy and convenient for you.

Click here to start the application process 1-800-281-6446 or email GWBconstruction@goldwaterbank.com


  • Can I start my project before loan closing?

    We recommend that you do not start the project before loan closing. An early start may hinder our ability to obtain proper title insurance coverage and may prevent us from closing your loan.

  • Do I have to own my lot prior to closing?

    No, you do not have to own the lot prior to loan closing. The lot may be purchased at the closing of the Interim Construction or Construction to Permanent Loan.

  • During the construction phase, what type of loan payment do make?

    Monthly interest only payments on total loan funds disbursed.

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