
Rate Chart
This Rate Chart contains information about interest rates and annual percentage yields for some of the accounts we offer.
Account Type Product Minimum Opening Deposit Minimum Balance to Obtain Annual Percentage Yield Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
GOLD CHECKING +++* $500.00 $0.01**
Daily Balances of:
- up to $20,000 2.00 2.00
- $20,000.01 and up 0.05 0.05
GOLDWATER CHECKING * $500.00 $0.01**
Daily Balances of:
- up to $99.99 0.00 0.00
- $100.00 - $4,999.99 0.499 0.50
GOLDEN CHECKING - 50+* $100.00 $0.01** 0.996 1.00
GOLDWATER SAVINGS PERSONAL & BUSINESS* $100.00 $0.01** 0.996 1.00
YOUTH SAVINGS* $0.00 $0.01** 0.996 1.00
HIGH YIELD SAVINGS PERSONAL* $100.00 $0.01** 4.087 4.15
HIGH YIELD SAVINGS BUSINESS* $100.00 $0.01** 4.087 4.15
Daily Balance of:
- up to $99,999.99 0.996 1.00
- $100,000.00 and up 1.094 1.10
GB MONEY MARKET PERSONAL* $1,000.00 $0.01** 3.203 3.25
GB BIZ MONEY MARKET BUSINESS* $1,000.00 $0.01** 3.203 3.25
90 Day 5.053 5.15
180 Day 5.053 5.15
9 Month 5.053 5.15
12 Month 5.005 5.10
15 Month 4.909 5.00
18 Month 4.812 4.90
24 Month 4.426 4.50
3 Year 4.184 4.25
5 Year 4.184 4.25
12 Month Liquid CD - no penalty $500.00 $0.01** 4.668 4.75
* The interest rate and annual percentage yield may change after account opening.
** Daily balance: We use the daily balance method to calculate interest on the account.
This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day.
Interest paid quarterly
*** Certificates of Deposit are subject to early withdrawal penalties.
Fees could reduce the earnings on the account.
Interest Rates and Annual Percentage Yields are current as of 5/08/2024
For current rate information call (480) 281-8200.

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